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Activity 1

J.F.CDiseno changed quite a bit on their site to make it unique. Besides changing to title from “the bakery” they changed it to a more vibrant color scheme for the title. Here is an example of this: 


Another change they made was to the photo section they made all the pictures in a bubble like form to add a little extra falir to the pictures.
An example:


They also added a few more pages to the site aswell as subpages to show more content the orignal template.

MF SEF made some very big changes to their site that makes it even hard to recognize as afollowing a template.
the first thing they changed wads the color of the over all template giving it a greyish sleek look.


A second thing they changed to the template was the number of pages opting for far less pages for just the essentials. Example:

The last thing he appeared to have changed is he added a personal page that has some info on him.

Braylen Berezuk

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